6.1.2 Environmental Statement Chapter 2 - Site description
(PDF, 389KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.9 Environmental Statement Chapter 9 – Land transport
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.10 Environmental Statement Chapter 10 – River transport
(PDF, 615KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 1.3 - EIA Scoping Report – LRCH June 2020 (2 of 2)
(PDF, 112MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 5.20-5.29 (11 of 14)
(PDF, 33MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendix 5.31 (13 of 14)
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.5 Environmental Statement Chapter 5 – Relevant law and policy
(PDF, 502KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.6 Environmental Statement Chapter 6 – EIA assessment methodology
(PDF, 395KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.13 Environmental Statement Chapter 13 – Marine ecology and biodiversity
(PDF, 863KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 1.1-1.9 (2 of 14)
(PDF, 13MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.3 Environmental Statement Chapter 3 - Project description
(PDF, 928KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.4 Environmental Statement Chapter 4 - Project development and alternatives
(PDF, 470KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.4 - Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment
(PDF, 29MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.6 - Statutory consultee responses to the Preliminary Environmental Information Report
(PDF, 386KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.8 Landscape and Ecology Management Plan
(PDF, 759KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.9 Public Rights of Way Assessment and Strategy
(PDF, 20MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.11 - Artificial Lighting Impact Assessment
(PDF, 15MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.1 - Ecology Baseline Report (2 of 3)
(PDF, 37MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.2 - Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.6 - Local Highway Network
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 10.1 - Preliminary Navigational Risk Assessment
(PDF, 9MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.2 - Schedule of Construction Effects
(PDF, 601KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.8 - Water Framework Directive (Screening) Assessment: River Ebbsfleet
(PDF, 841KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.10 - General Principles of Offsite Ecological Mitigation
(PDF, 867KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.11 Environmental Statement Chapter 11 - Landscape and visual effects
(PDF, 882KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.12 Environmental Statement Chapter 12 - Terrestrial and freshwater ecology and biodiversity
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.4 - Consultee responses to the 2020 EIA Scoping Report
(PDF, 308KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.8 - Existing Bus Routes
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
6.4 - Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary
(PDF, 24MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.5 Economic and Regeneration Statement
(PDF, 4MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Appendix Environmental Statement 11.6 - Schedule of Cumulative Effects
(PDF, 556KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.7 Landscape Strategy
(PDF, 23MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.7 - Non-statutory consultee responses to the Preliminary Environmental Information Report
(PDF, 354KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.7 - Existing Rail Provision
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.3 - Ecological Mitigation and Management Framework
(PDF, 13MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.5 - Consultation responses to the 2020 EIA Scoping request
(PDF, 6MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.4 Planning Statement
(PDF, 8MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.1 Ecology Baseline Report (3 of 3)
(PDF, 65MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.1 Design and Access Statement (Part 2 of 2)
(PDF, 30MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.3 Schedule of Accommodation
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.9 - Active Travel Audit Route
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.2 Design Code (Part 2 of 2)
(PDF, 36MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.7 Outline Sustainability Strategy
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.8 Security Planning Report
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.9 Lighting Statement
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
Notification of Decision to Accept Application
(PDF, 122KB)
7.1 Design and Access Statement (Part 1 of 2)
(PDF, 43MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
7.2 Design Code (Part 1 of 2)
(PDF, 32MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
Section 55 Checklist
(PDF, 419KB)
Section 51 advice to the Applicant
(PDF, 111KB)
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.10 - Summary of Impacts, Mitigation and Residual Effects
(PDF, 464KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.2 - Marine Ecology and Biodiversity Baseline Conditions
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.6 - Intertidal Fish Ecology Survey
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.7 - Water Framework Directive Report
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.9 - Arboricultural Impact Assessment
(PDF, 20MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.4 - Intertidal Benthic Ecology Survey
(PDF, 4MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.5 - Subtidal Benthic Ecology Survey
(PDF, 5MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.4 - Desk-based Assessment and Statement of Archaeological Significance (Palaeolithic) for main access road (eastern route) and people-mover train / cycle route options, July 2017
(PDF, 4MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.1 - Traffic Model Extent
(PDF, 11MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.1 - Archaeological Desk-based Assessment, December 2020
(PDF, 35MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.2 - Built Heritage Statement, December 2020
(PDF, 15MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.3 - Historic Landscape Characterisation, October 2020
(PDF, 76MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 3.1 - The London Resort Illustrative Masterplan
(PDF, 5MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 3.2 - Proposed junction of the A2(T) and the London Resort Access Road
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.3 - Sensitive Receptors
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.2 - A2B&E Model Extent
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.16 - Lower Thames Crossing Indicative Route
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 14.11 - Schemes for Cumulative Assessment
(PDF, 322KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.11 - Kent Project Site Walking Accessibility
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 4.2 - Draft masterplans
(PDF, 6MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 4.3 - Principal road access layout options
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.15 - PIA Analysis for Study Area
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.8 - Marine Conservation Zone Assessment
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.9 - Biosecurity Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.1 - Marine Ecology and Biodiversity Consultation
(PDF, 760KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 13.3 - Saltmarsh Survey Field Report
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.12 - Essex Project Site Walking Accessibility
(PDF, 666KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.14 - Essex Project Site Cycling Accessibility
(PDF, 788KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 20.5 - Graph showing carbon emissions associate with the differing energy strategy options over the 60 year design life
(PDF, 273KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 21.1 - Zones of Influence
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.13 - Kent Project Site Cycling Accessibility
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 21.3 - Long-list of developments
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 21.2 - Zones of Influence (Noise and Vibration)
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 20.4 - Graph showing embodied carbon over the 60 year design life
(PDF, 246KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 20.6 - 60 year lifetime carbon emissions of London Resort
(PDF, 264KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 21.4 - Short-list of developments
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 3.3 - Illustrative Landscape Masterplan
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 4.1 - Search corridor and site options location plan
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.10 - Pedestrian and Cycle Provision
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.4 - Assessed Links
(PDF, 1MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Figure 9.5 - Strategic Road Network
(PDF, 470KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 15.5 - Construction noise and vibration mitigation
(PDF, 317KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 16.2 - Verification graphs showing modelled NOx concentrations against monitored NOx concentrations
(PDF, 345KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 18.8 Groundsure Insight Report (2020) (4 of 5)
(PDF, 49MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 18.9 Contaminated Land Management Strategy
(PDF, 815KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 15.1 - Baseline noise monitoring
(PDF, 2MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 15.3 - Construction noise and vibration assessment
(PDF, 973KB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 18.2 - Phase 1 Geo-environmental and Geotechnical Risk Assessment A2(T) Corridor and Access Roadway
(PDF, 37MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 18.4 - Factual Report on ground investigation
(PDF, 47MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 9.1 - Transport Assessment - TA-B ProFun Supporting Information (4c of 33)
(PDF, 3MB)
O London Resort Company Holdings