View examination library (PDF, 1MB) containing document reference numbers
8.2 Schedule of consultation (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the Examining Authority’s Letter (05 May 2021)
(PDF, 996KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Applicant's letter to the Inspectorate - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 210KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 439KB)
From P Curd
8.1 Schedule of updated and new documents (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the Examining Authority’s Letter (05 May 2021)
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 646KB)
From Mark Warnett on behalf of Save Swanscombe Peninsular
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 177KB)
From British Association of Leisure Parks, Piers and Attractions (BALPPA)
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 597KB)
From Dan Bramwell
Initial Assessment of Principal Issues
(PDF, 142KB)
8.1 Schedule of updated and new documents (Rev 00) - Submitted in response to the Examining Authority’s Letter (05 May 2021)
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 532KB)
From Kent Wildlife Trust, RSPB, Buglife and CPRE Kent
8.2 Schedule of consultation (Rev 00) - Submitted in response to the Examining Authority’s Letter (05 May 2021)
(PDF, 980KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Applicant's response to the Examining Authority's letter (05 May 2021)
(PDF, 429KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 120KB)
From Dan Bramwell
Procedural Decisions made by the Examining Authority in connection with a request that the Examination be deferred
(PDF, 94KB)
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 1 – 26 to 28 April 2021
(PDF, 80KB)
Additional Submission - Applicant's letter responding to SSSI notification - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 143KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 9.1 - Transport Assessment - TA-B ProFun Supporting Information (4e of 33) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 3MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.6 Access, Rights of Way and Public Rights of Navigation Plans (Rev 1) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 16MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Additional Submission - Late Relevant Representation - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 238KB)
From HS1 Limited
Additional Submission - Late Relevant Representation - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 72KB)
From Neil Victor
Additional Submission - Late Relevant Representation - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 77KB)
From Pauline Smith
- Environment Statement Appendix 12.4 - Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 9MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.3 Crown Land Plans (Rev 1) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 32MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 9.1 - Transport Assessment - TA-B ProFun Supporting Information (4c of 33) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 3MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 9.1 - Transport Assessment - TA-B ProFun Supporting Information (4b of 33) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 5MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.16 Environmental Statement Chapter 16 - Air quality (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 9.1 - Transport Assessment - TA-B ProFun Supporting Information (4d of 33) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 3MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
3.3 Development Consent Order Validation Report (Rev 01) - Submitted in response to the s51 advce issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.5 Works Plans (Rev 1) - Submitted in response to the s51 advice issued on 28 January 2021
(PDF, 16MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Certificates of compliance
(PDF, 3MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Appointment of Examining Authority
(PDF, 98KB)
7.6 Utilities Statement (1 of 2)
(PDF, 35MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
7.6 Utilities Statement (2 of 2)
(PDF, 22MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
Applicant’s s56 notice of accepted application
(PDF, 30KB)
Examination Library
(PDF, 1MB)
- Environmental Statement Appendix 12.1 - Ecology Baseline Report (1 of 3)
(PDF, 82MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 1.4 - EIA Scoping Opinion – SoS July 2020
(PDF, 36MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
1.2 Application Form
(PDF, 129KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.16 Trees and Hedgerows which may be Removed or may be Affected Plans
(PDF, 12MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.18 Traffic Regulation Order Plans
(PDF, 32MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.20 Illustrative Landscape Plans
(PDF, 11MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.11 Highways Plans - Constraints
(PDF, 46MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 4.14 (part 4) - 4.21 (8 of 14)
(PDF, 24MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 5.18-5.19 (10 of 14)
(PDF, 5MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.6 Access, Rights of Way and Public Rights of Navigation Plans
(PDF, 18MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.8 Habitats of Protected Species, Important Habitats or Other Diversity Features and Waterbodies in a River Basin Management Plans (Part 1 - Features of Ecological Value)
(PDF, 13MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
1.4 Guide to the Application
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
3.1 Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
3.2 Draft Explanatory Memorandum
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.19 Environmental Statement Chapter 19 - Waste and materials
(PDF, 789KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.21 Environmental Statement Chapter 21 - Cumulative, in-combination and transboundary effects
(PDF, 985KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.2 Land Plans
(PDF, 39MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.4 Sections
(PDF, 14MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
4.1 Statement of Reasons
(PDF, 4MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendix 5.30 (12 of 14)
(PDF, 3MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 1.1 - EIA Scoping Report – LRCH November 2014
(PDF, 79MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.15 Environmental Statement Chapter 15 – Noise and vibration
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.17 Environmental Statement Chapter 17 - Water resources and flood risk
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
1.1 Application Letter
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.9 Habitats of Protected Species, Important Habitats or Other Diversity Features and Waterbodies in a River Basin Management Plans (Part 2 - Habitats)
(PDF, 13MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 5.32-5.33 (14 of 14)
(PDF, 990KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.3 Details of Other Consents and Licences
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
1.3 Section 55 Checklist
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
1.5 Electronic Application Index
(PDF, 959KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.13 Highways Plans - Surface Finishes
(PDF, 27MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.5 Works Plans
(PDF, 16MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.7 Environmental Features Plans
(PDF, 16MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.19 Parameter Plans
(PDF, 29MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.21 Illustrative Masterplan
(PDF, 10MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 4.1-4.14 (part 1) (5 of 14)
(PDF, 21MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 1.3 - EIA Scoping Report – LRCH June 2020 (1 of 2)
(PDF, 35MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.1 Location Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.3 Crown Land Plans
(PDF, 33MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.15 Highways Plans - Drainage Layout
(PDF, 33MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.17 Drainage Strategy Plans
(PDF, 27MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.12 Highways Plans - General Arrangement
(PDF, 38MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
3.3 Development Consent Order Validation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 5.1-5.17 (9 of 14)
(PDF, 44MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.14 Environmental Statement Chapter 14 - Cultural heritage and archaeology
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.3 - Schedule of Operational Effects
(PDF, 818KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendix 4.14 (part 2) (6 of 14)
(PDF, 44MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendix 4.14 (part 3) (7 of 14)
(PDF, 44MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 1.2 - EIA Scoping Opinion – SoS December 2014
(PDF, 10MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.1 - Landscape and Visual Baseline Assessment
(PDF, 128MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
2.14 Highways Plans - Proposed Contours, Levels and Alignment Changes
(PDF, 47MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
4.2 Funding Statement
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report (1 of 14)
(PDF, 4MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.16 Environmental Statement Chapter 16 - Air quality
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.18 Environmental Statement Chapter 18 - Soils, hydrogeology and ground conditions
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
- Environmental Statement Appendix 11.5 Statutory consultee responses to the PEIR
(PDF, 264KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.2 Statutory Nuisance Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.0 Environmental Statement Contents and glossary
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.7 Environmental Statement Chapter 7 - Land use and socio-economic effects
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.8 Environmental Statement Chapter 8 - Human health
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 2.1-2.7 (3 of 14)
(PDF, 47MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
5.1 Consultation Report Appendices 3.1-3.9 (4 of 14)
(PDF, 20MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.20 Environmental Statement Chapter 20 - Greenhouse gas and climate change
(PDF, 753KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.22 Environmental Statement Chapter 22 - Conclusion and mitigation commitments
(PDF, 2MB)
From London Resort Company Holdings
6.1.1 Environmental Statement Chapter 1 – Introduction
(PDF, 401KB)
From London Resort Company Holdings