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Representation by Luddesdown Parish Council (Luddesdown Parish Council)

Date submitted
20 February 2021
Submitted by
Parish councils

Luddesdown PC are very concerned about the following aspects of the application (as was made clear at consultation):- 1. Did LRCH take any notice of the issues raised at consultation? We ask because of the remarkably short time after consultation that the DCO was submitted. 2. How has LRCH evaluated it's ecological impact particularly on wildlife, and how has it adapted it's design to avoid the impacts that were evident at consultation? 3. Have LRCH produced a meaningful traffic model that accounts for the maximum expected traffic flows experienced on local roads? This was notably absent from their consultation materials in that the suggestions made at consultation did not nearly amount to the traffic volumes required, nor took into account the current loading of the surrounding road network. 4. Is there a meaningful traffic model for the project (i.e. a model that can detail how to deliver the capacity of traffic required)? 5. What actual steps will be taken to control GHG emissions during construction (apart from suggesting the responsibility lies with others)? 6. What is the detailed plan for the existing rights of way on the peninsula? (the consultation was full of aspirations with no detail) 7. What is it that is actually being built?? There is nothing apart form indicative heights in the consultation to show what is being built and how the it will appear to those living nearby and those passing.