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Representation by LONDON RESORT FAN GROUP (Facebook) (LONDON RESORT FAN GROUP (Facebook))

Date submitted
22 February 2021
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Speaking on behalf of our 2000+ members the group as whole are strongly in support of the London Resort project on all levels including, Employment, which is critical due to the events of the past 12 months, This will also lead to the regeneration of the local surrounding area and the use of the River Thames. The London Resort will also be a blueprint for other major projects under future government plans being a substainable, green and in many ways ground breaking ,which at the same time will look after the surrounding wildlife areas again as group we also fully support. Group is already seeing members from around the world and very local to the site coming together chatting online giving people a focus for fun and excitement for their family’s and supporting the resort project and in time this will lead to both Uk and worldwide visits coming to the area thus giving a massive boost to the Uk tourism and theme park industry which again is much needed in current times and the near future.