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Representation by Federation of Small Businesses (Federation of Small Businesses)

Date submitted
8 March 2021
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

We generally support the application to develop a theme park on the site at Swanscombe Peninsular, but greater consideration needs to be given to the businesses currently occupying the site. Currently, the plans do not provide adequate assistance to the 140 firms currently located on the site employing around 2500 people to relocate, particularly as there is a significant shortfall of suitable industrial premises in the North Kent area. Our representations will cover the following: design changes so that the industrial estates located around Ebbsfleet United Football Club are excluded from the developed area, provision of new industrial units by the developer on a site located to the NE of the existing docks, assistance by the developer in locating suitable sites locally, assistance to businesses that currently rent premises in the development site.