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Representation by Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

Date submitted
8 March 2021
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Thank for you the opportunity to comment on the London Resort project. Anglian Water is considered to be a statutory consultee for nationally significant infrastructure projects as identified in the Planning Act 2008 and associated regulations. The following representations are submitted on behalf of Anglian Water as sewerage undertaker for the Essex part of the site: Impact on existing assets: There are existing foul and surface water sewers located within the boundary of the Essex site as shown on statutory asset plans. These assets are critical to enable us to carry out Anglian Water's duty as a sewerage undertaker. From our discussions with the applicant, we understand that currently there is no requirement to divert or relocate the existing sewers to enable the Essex site to come forward for development. Protective provisions for Anglian Water: We have previously requested the inclusion of specific wording for the benefit of Anglian Water to ensure that we can continue to serve our customers and limit the potential for disruption to the services we provide to our customers. It is noted that specific protective provisions for Anglian Water are not included in the current version of the DCO as agreed with the applicant's legal representative in November 2020. We understand that this was an error, and the agreed protective provisions will be included in the next version of the Draft DCO to submitted to the Examining Authority. Therefore, we recommend that the Draft DCO is amended to include specific protective provisions for Anglian Water as previously requested. As such, we would wish to make a holding objection to Draft DCO wording for the reasons set out above. Connections to public sewerage networks: a foul connection to the public sewerage network is required for the Essex site. Currently there is available capacity within both the public sewerage network and Tilbury Water Recycling Centre (formerly sewage treatment works) to serve the proposed development. An application to Anglian Water to make a connection to the public sewerage network will be required in accordance with the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991. We note that it is proposed that surface water will be discharged directly into the River Thames from the Essex site via a new independent system ( Environmental Statement Appendix 17.1 - Flood Risk Assessment). As such the surface water drainage strategy for the Essex part of the site does not appear to interact with Anglian Water's operated assets. Therefore, we would expect Thurrock Council as Lead Local Flood Authority to comment on the suitability of proposed method of surface water drainage for the Essex site. Should you have any queries relating to this response please let me know.