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Representation by Stuart Ray

Date submitted
10 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have been leasing [] since 2015. The size and value for money cannot be found in the surrounding areas. The location is perfect, it is 1 mile from our home in [] and we can reach London in under 30 minutes. We waited 3 years for this unit to become available for these reasons. We have spent thousands of pounds upgrading the unit to suit our needs. We have installed gas central heating, upgraded the electrics, installed an extraction system, built internal offices and a mezzanine floor. We are a very specialised business and use heavy machinery so had to upgrade the 3-phase circuit board. It has taken time, money and effort to reach the stage we are at now. Most of our clients and many of our suppliers are based in London and being able to reach them, and them us in under 30 minutes makes our position unique. It contributes to keeping our client base on board. Moving further out and being more remote would certainly pose many issues. At present we can offer same day delivery and clients can visit at ease. We have looked at surrounding areas for suitable units to re-locate to and they don’t exist. Whilst there are many industrial sites, they do not offer anything for small businesses. Our current unit is 650 sq ft and we would not require anything larger than 1000 sq ft. Our current rent is £7,500 pa. We have not be able to find anything like this. Our apprentices live locally and would not be able to travel too far as they do not drive. It is important that they are able to complete their apprenticeships. I don’t always have access to a car but at present I can walk to work. Having to travel will add time and costs to an already busy life. We are a small family run business with a small turnover. We try and keep costs to a minimum and run at a small profit. Any increase in overheads would be extremely detrimental. Having to re-locate would put a significant strain on our finances. Due to the pandemic any profit that was available has been eaten and it is only due to grants and furlough that we have so far survived. It would take weeks or even months and be extremely expensive to set up shop at a new unit and another big break in being unable to deliver to our clients could be fatal for us as a business. We have a lot of heavy machinery, as well as safes and chemicals that would all require specialist help to move. I am just one of 140 businesses that will be affected by this development, we all contribute to the local economy keeping 5000 people employed and sadly some those will be lost.