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Representation by Geoffrey Baker

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the development in principle but have a number of concerns relating to impact on the Swanscombe and Greenhithe area. Whilst parts of the site have now been designated as an SSSI, I defer to expert opinion on this issue. Key points I wish to raise are: • Do the requirements attached to the draft DCO adequately constrain the development to environmental limits considered within the Environmental Statement – in particular in relation to maximum visitor numbers; hours of operation; traffic generation; noise and light pollution etc? • Are the scale, form and massing of proposed structures close to existing areas appropriate, having regard to context and the amenity of adjoining occupiers? Could the car park at Galley Hill be reconfigured? Have potential wind effects of this structure on the A226 Galley Hill Road been assessed? • Day time visualisations should be revisited to understand impacts on Galley Hill Church/ adjoining flats etc – photos taken from behind bushes are unhelpful. Night-time visualisations are poor and do not provide sufficient information to understand impacts on locations within Swanscombe, closer to the site. Illustrative lighting of rides should also be shown, unless otherwise precluded. • What lighting will be required during hours of darkness for safety/security when the resort is closed – will impacts (including on biodiversity) be controlled through the DCO? • Has the impact on designated and non-designated heritage assets been adequately considered and adverse impacts addressed or mitigated? Where compensatory measures are required to offset harm, could these be negotiated through the s.106 agreement with the involvement of local stakeholders? • Has the impact of the proposal on the highway and public rights of way network on the peninsula have been adequately addressed? This is with particular reference to the status of Manor Way and Lower Road. Does the draft DCO adequately cover these aspects? • Does the approach to transport adequately deal with potential issues for the immediate local area? This particularly in relation to traffic generation, control of off-site parking and public transport provision? Does the draft DCO provide adequate safeguards to ensure that unacceptable adverse impacts are controlled? • How will the issue of Swanscombe Station be dealt with in terms of providing a fully DDA complaint access not only to the resort but also the training centre/visitor centre in a timely fashion? Does this raise Equalities Act considerations and how will the delivery of necessary upgrades be secured? • 500 flats are proposed to relieve pressure on the local housing market – when will delivery of this be secured by requirement/legal agreement and will a mechanism be put in place to ensure that accommodation is reserved solely for staff? • The proposed staff accommodation may place additional pressure on recreational facilities in the immediate area – mainly provided by the local Town Council. How will these pressures be mitigated? • Securing bio-diversity net gain will require significant off-site mitigation. Will the developer make a commitment to secure some of this locally to deliver an enhanced network of Green Infrastructure that will directly benefit local people? How can this be secured?