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Representation by Pete Simpson

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My God. What has this country come to? On the one hand we have a government which tells us that it it is committed to the environment, biodiversity and wildlife and on the other we have this - exactly the opposite. What hypocrisy. It is truly disgraceful that this proposal is even being contemplated. It is disgraceful that anyone could wish to destroy the wildlife which exists here. It is disgraceful that we have to co-exist with individuals who dream up these proposals and are prepared to sacrifice the natural beauty of this country for profit. It makes me depressed and angry and ashamed to be British And what is worse is that such installations could be build on less valuable land. Slowly but very surely we are seeing our land decimated by those who simply do not care. Is there any point in us trying to educate these people in the value of nature? Perhaps not but someone needs to look very carefully at this and perhaps even look into their own hearts and to ultimately make the right decision which is to stop this monstrous proposal dead in its tracks.