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Representation by Nicky Gregory

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the proposed theme park. I feel strongly that it is important to put the natural world before anything else. Because the Swanscombe Peninsula is so diverse in it is habitats it is home to a wide range of animals, birds and insects, some who live there and other who migrate. Because it is so important Natural England have asked for Swanscombe to be declared an SSSI, something I whole heartedly support. We are in danger of loosing many species of wildlife, the things that enable humans to live on the planet, we must protect the sanctuaries we have and increase them wherever possible. There are many endangered species, at Swanscombe from all areas of the natural world, making it even more precious. We are supposed to be reducing our carbon footprint! A theme park will do the opposite, not only the construction, but the people who would come to visit and the running of the actual enterprise. Swanscombe Peninsular is entirely the wrong place for a theme park which would devastate the local area and wildlife. The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. PLEASE TURN DOWN THIS APPLICATION