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Representation by Claire Barlow

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This area is of vital importance to not only serves local Communities , but also the wider communities , who have all lost vital and significant places already, which were of special interest already through Local planning not realising the importance of smaller open green spaces for local people to help them thrive and maintain their mental health and wellness, this has become more apparent since the Pandemic, this area in Kent is already suffering from affects of over building and loss of historic sites, which are now forever consigned now to history books, we need living History and a living Area for our Nature and for this not to just be lost forever. We already suffer Highest levels of Pollution , having 3 crossings of the Thames locally , which cause gridlock, the roads here just can not take any further increase of Traffic to visit , this development will not enhance the area will not provide much needed well paid employment for local people, will just be more zero hours or part time work that families can not survive on , we need to think about the Environment for all People, the quality of life for all, not just for present but for the future, to have a special area to go to and be able to stay and connect with the natural world around them. As we are fast becoming a shut in community, with nowhere to actually witness the Natural World and Nature in reality, we owe it to not only the wild life which we are losing increased amounts daily their habitats , marshland is so vital for their Survival and us Humans who benefit from safe open spaces to enjoy. are involved with or become involved with protecting and improving this site. I hope you can consider the Impact the loss of such a precious area will have not only on the Important Wildlife that is being pushed out , but also for mankind. We must start finding better ways of co existing with Nature and not just continue to turn these areas into more concrete tarmac covered potential white elephants. when there already are a range of resorts for families to have days out to visit . This is far too big a risk to take on its viability as a resort that people will want to come too especially as road links are already problematic and woeful for local people getting around daily, it is just not the right area to justify its place in building , would be different had Ebbfleet and other local areas had not already been so heavily built up. People in this area are desperate for a place to afford them some freedom and pleasure in the natural beauty of nature and wildlife have to offer, this is after all the best entertainment and experiences a person can want as it is free given to us by creation and not invention.