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Representation by Michael Rozdoba

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about environmental damage resulting from this application, should it be accepted. Given it has been recommended that Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, by Natural England, & given the UK has seen rapid, severe & sustained decline in wildlife & environmental stability, as reflected in the broader global biodiversity collapse & climate emergency crises, it would seem unwise to proceed with this development. Swanscombe Peninsula is not the right location for such a development because it is not the right location for any development. We must value nature. We are a part of nature & all our actions are intimately entwined with our one & only biosphere, upon which we depend for life. Swanscombe is a rich source of vitality, including endangered, rare & red-listed species. It needs to be cared for, not bulldozed, & not simply as we depend on sustained diversity of life for our own lives & environmental stability, but also because it provides a vital resource for recreation, offering a space that allows us to touch base with our own nature, aiding both physical & mental well-being. Please do not replace it with an artificial theme park. It would be a tragic irony to replace a living system with a "park" of metal & plastic, designed in part to mimic aspects of nature in order to appeal to visitors, when its construction was only possible through the destruction of the real thing. Let the developers finds another location for their park that is not already far richer with value than the intended replacement. Thank you for considering these issues. Blessed be in your decision making.