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Representation by Michelle Lindson

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned about this development. UK wildlife is at risk, yet a site deemed hugely important for wildlife is at risk from a theme park development. Even Natural England recommended Swanscombe to be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest. We must protect the UK's most important wildlife sites from being lost! This development is almost laughable given the current situation we are in. Climate change is an immanent issue, it is quite literally a matter of life and death. Sites like Swanscombe Marshes are vital in helping to mitigate the impacts of human driven climate change. We have been through a life changing pandemic, leaving people's health and wellbeing more at risk that it was before. Nature is one of life's irreplaceable free forms of mental health support, something the local and wider community so desperately need. I work as a community outreach coordinator in urban green spaces in Tower Hamlets, London. I know how much green space means to people, and how it has limitless positive impacts on them, regardless of their background. Green spaces on many occasions literally save people's lives. This has to stop!