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Representation by Andrew Blewett

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. The Swanscombe Marshes site is extremely valuable both or people and nature. I am very concerned that it should be conserved for its nature value which is irreplaceable and which brings me and my family great joy, whether we live close by our not. You are aware that this site has been recommended for SSRI status because of its high biodiversity including all classes of animals and plants. The SE of England is one of the most developed and populated regions in the world. People need to have high quality nature close by for their physical and mental well-being. We are facing a dramatic decline in wildlife in England and globally, with escalating extinctions. We have to stop this or face our own eventual destruction. This can sound dramatic I am aware but we know scientifically that ecosystem loss and decline damages human health and well-being. To confront this problem requires a brave and decisive change to the way we approach land use. We simply have to recognise places such as this as a unique part of our general heritage - it's beauty and life qualities must be treasured. Too often short-term profit and commercial purposes overwhelm our ability to see beauty and nature when it is right under our noses. This is an example. We have all now read the Dasgupta Report. We have yet to grasp and understand it as a society. We must do so. Please make Swanscombe Marshes a sign that we have finally matured and understood the immense task of nature recovery ahead. The first step is to stop routine destruction as proposed by developers at this site. Please do not permit development. Conserve Swanscombe and we, our children and all of our grandchildren will thank you with all their hearts.