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Representation by Elizabeth Nichols

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident of Swanscombe I have often been to the peninsula for walks and have always enjoyed the varied landscape it provides. It has been a haven for me during the pandemic, giving me a safe place to get out and enjoy nature, whilst exercising somewhere you can easily keep socially distant from others. I have found it immensely beneficial to my mental health, being able to get out in a green place and see nature all around. I have been able to see many different species of birds and have developed an interest in wildlife photography from my experiences on the peninsula. It is amazing how many birds are living on the peninsula, breeding there, or using it as a part of their migration route and yet this development would have a massive negative impact on them, which would be a catastrophe. I remember my own excitement the first time I saw a kestrel hunting over the reeds (in an area that this proposed development would see built over), or when I first saw a pair of marsh harriers that are known to breed at the site. Seeing these birds of prey living locally to me was a privilege and one that could be lost if this development goes ahead. Time spent on the peninsula lets you really appreciate the value of the many different habitats this area provides and all the animals, bird, insects and plants that are thriving because of its unique layout. Including nationally rare and endangered species of spiders, bees, beetles and other invertebrates. This area has just become an SSSI due to its immense value to wildlife and as such it deserves to be protected so that everyone can enjoy it but also more importantly so that the lives of the creatures that depend on it can continue. People are more aware now of the negative effects human activity is having on wildlife and the environment, how can we afford to lose yet another amazing and irreplaceable natural place just for a theme park. Especially seeing as this year the UK will be hosting the G7 Summit and this government has stated that they will put biodiversity loss at “the centre of our plans”. How can this development go ahead seeing as it will destroy such a biodiverse area, one that has been recognised as significant and even been given SSSI status based on this. This is just the wrong place for this development.