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Representation by Simon Jennings

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. I am concerned that regard to "Buglife and English Nature’s ‘Planning for invertebrate biodiversity’30, which provides specific guidance on the conservation of invertebrates and invertebrate assemblages as an integral component of planned development. ? Buglife’s good practice planning guidance31 and Brownfield Hub guidance32 ; and ? Colin Plant Associates (UK) guidance on ecological assessment and invertebrates33, including criteria for defining the significance of invertebrate habitats" may not be duly diligent. 2. If this goes ahead some serious biodiversity offsetting must be included and the developers must be made to provide assurance on the decommissioning and site restoration - bonds etc. 3. I am concerned that in a time during which the societal benefits of natural capital, restoring natural systems, etc., are being increasingly recongised, instead of making a London/Thames Nature Reserve we are contemplating a disneyland of gravesend on this site, which has ecological value, in the process extinguishing the distinguished umping spider. Why not build it on the poisoned and remediated land of the Greenwich Peninsula? At least the London Resort could then claim to be in London.