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Representation by Joe Parker

Date submitted
12 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live locally to the Swanscombe peninsula and have previously worked on the industrial estate too. I regularly walk with my family in the area and we spend time as a family on the peninsula observing the wonderful variety of wildlife that live there. In spring we go to the peninsula to hear the Nightingales sing. These are an endangered bird and destroying their habitat and creating a theme park would be a catastrophe! Wildlife is disappearing at an alarming rate in the UK. We really need to preserve it and not build a theme park on an area that supports so much wildlife. I am aware that the London Resort claim that they will increase biodiversity, but how can they increase biodiversity of such a rich wildlife habitat that supports more invertebrate species and birds than anywhere else in the region by building a theme park on it? The London Resort do not have the best interests of the wildlife or of maintaining open green spaces for the community, they are there to make money for a few lucky individuals. Many full-time jobs for local people will be lost when the businesses on the industrial estate are forced out of the area and they will be replaced with seasonal low paid jobs. This does not make sense? I appreciate the chance to give my feedback and hope that you make the right decision.