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Representation by Trevor Sykes

Date submitted
13 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

At a time when nature is in crisis the UK provides an example of what happens when the land is over-exploited. We as a nation do not enjoy the large wide open spaces of many of our neighbours. We have the worst tree cover in Europe & while we deplore the destruction of habitats for wildlife in other countries, it appears that few qualms exist in relation to UK land, when it comes to a tiny number of people making a profit. It beggars belief that almost on the eve of COP26, there is a need to object to the building of yet another artificial theme park on what should be an SSSI. This development is proposed for a city that has more to do within its' boundaries than the rest of the UK put together. Everything possible should be done to protect, maintain & enhance the tiny fraction of the natural world still present within our shores. During my lifetime I have seen so much of the countryside go under concrete that, far from becoming complacent or accepting of this, I have become more concerned, especially given the fact that human greed-driven activity is killing the only planet we've got.