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Representation by Karen Smith

Date submitted
13 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my dismay at the decision to consider building a theme park on Swanscombe Marshes . While I understand the need for development to generate income I feel very strongly that this is the wrong location for such a project . It is also in my view time to stop playing lip service to protecting the environment. If giving an area the status of Site of Special Scientific interest is of such little true value that it can be ignored and the area developed in such a damaging way it’s pointless to designate areas at all . It shows to me that it’s just a bureaucratic farce . A theme park can go anywhere The Marshes can not . Once they are destroyed they are lost to everyone for ever . Well managed wild areas can also bring in revenue from eco tourism if invested in and would be a much more sustainable and appropriate approach to this area benefiting not just the local population but also helping with flood mitigation and giving our precious wildlife a refuge from the constant onslaught on natural habitats . Swanscombe Marshes are not a piece of waste land waiting to be developed they are a national treasure that needs to be valued and protected for future generations .