Back to list The London Resort

Representation by Lusie Ambler

Date submitted
13 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please would you consider the proposal for a London Resort theme park at Swanscombe Peninsular in the light of its value to important wildlife. As I’m sure you are aware, numbers of invertebrates, vital to our own well being and so important in their role as pollinators of crops, have declined 30-60 percent over the last 40 years. The site supports nationally important numbers of these species (over 250) as well as being an important site for birds and rare vascular plants. As the largest remaining brownfield site on the Thames Estuary without planning permission for development, Swanscombe Peninsular offers a rare and valuable opportunity to maintain the site and sensitively use the area for schools visits and nature courses. Never has engagement with nature been so important as is now. English Nature has proposed the site to be designated a SSSI for good reason. Thank you.