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Representation by Sharon Aylward

Date submitted
13 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the application to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I am concerned that wildlife across the country is in drastic decline, and that it is more important than ever to spare our national treasures! The importance of spending time in nature has been recognised during the pandemic. Although, hopefully, it will be possible to travel further afield over the coming months I cannot see us spending weekends in Suffolk and Norfolk as we did prior to the pandemic for some time. Therefore Swanscombe Marshes is possible to visit from London for a day trip. Its rich breeding bird population includes 15 red-listed Birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance - including Marsh harriers, Bearded tit, Nightingales and Black redstart. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest which confirms it as one of our country’s best wildlife sites - we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. In addition to birds Swanscombe Marshes also has locally important populations of reptiles, bats, Water vole and Otter. The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park - we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. Are the benefits still deliverable in a post-Covid world? The government’s Covid-19 recovery strategy states “The first consideration is the nation's health.” Retaining Swanscombe Marches will support this, how will development of the London Resort? Local businesses will take time to recover from the economic impacts of Covid-19 and its unlikely they will have recovered fully by the planned opening date for the London Resort. Are the economic benefits of the London Resort still what they were?