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Representation by Louise Ffoulkes

Date submitted
15 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to object to the application to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. We are in the midst of an assault on wild places by developers which will reduce our ability to mitigate climate change and to promote biodiversity. The Peninsula is a precious haven for wildlife. That Natural England has stated that it should be declared a SSSI confirms its value. I know the marshes well and have spent time observing the birdlife. It is home to many endangered species including marsh harriers, bearded tits and nightingales. It also supports hundred of invertebrates including the Critically Endangered distinguished jumping spider. If this development were to go ahead, it would ruin the peninsula. No mitigation measures suggested by the developers could possibly compensate for the damage ton wildlife and biodiversity. For the sake of this generation and future generations, I urge you to reject this application. One private company's profits surely cannot be allowed to trump the value of this rare habitat for all the inhabitants of the area.