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Representation by Rosemarie Kyles

Date submitted
15 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As well as being an area of great biodiversity, in terms of flowers, birds and crucially insects, the marshes help to prevent flooding by absorbing water and preventing it leaving the area. It is also an area enjoyed by local people who can go out in it for exercise and fresh air as well as to observe nature. This has been shown to be of vital importance during the Covid-19 pandemic for the health and well-being of the nation. In a recent report, Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta, of the University of Cambridge says prosperity has come at a "devastating" cost to the natural world. He said the Government “need to account fully for the impact of our interactions with nature across all levels of society.” Swanscombe Marshes are important for wildlife and this should be put above having a theme park on this land. You cannot reproduce an area like this afterwards, once it is lost it means some plants, birds and insects may be gone forever. Sites of Special Scientific interest should be spared development, otherwise what is the point of them? In my opinion experiences of the natural world and all it's amazing diversity, count for a great deal more than developments such as theme parks. Let's not turn a unique area of coast which is a sanctuary for wildlife into an amusement park.