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Representation by Dr. Erica C D Hunter

Date submitted
15 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to voice my deep concern about the proposal to build the London Theme resort park on Swanscombe Marshes Peninsula. This would effectively destroy a very rich habitat, comprising coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that support a wide variety of fauna and flora. It is an important wildlife site; these are diminishing at an alarming rate across the UK due to development and construction programmes. With its proximity to London, it is vital that the site be retained in its present state; it is invaluable as an environmental resource, also affording youngsters to gain experience first-hand of fauna and flora which include: - the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus), which is found on only one other site in the UK. - 15 red-listed Birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance- including Marsh harriers, Bearded tit, Nightingales and Black redstart. -13 nationally scarce vascular plant species have been found at Swanscombe, including 5 red-listed species such as the Man orchid. - locally important populations of reptiles, bats, Water vole and Otter. The decision to turn Swanscombe Marshes Peninsula into a theme park flies in the face of the recommendation by Natural England that it is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Its development as a theme park would mean the loss of a site that is important for teaching children about the environment. Given its proximity to London it could be a major centre of learning for schools as well as providing the natural surrounds for everyone to appreciate. Natural environments are a significant factor in people's wellbeing and health - as the recent pandemic has clearly demonstrated. I urge that Swanscombe Marches Peninsula be retained in their natural state; it is irreplaceable.