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Representation by Geoffrey Jones

Date submitted
16 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I was brought up in a couple of locations on the North Kent coast in the 1950s and 60s and as a child became familiar with marshland habitats, mainly through expeditions with friends where we explored and discovered the rich wildlife which inhabited the marshes / salt marsh and aquatic habitats. I treasure the memory of seeing water voles spiraling through clear water of freshwater dykes to the west of Whitstable and exotic birds like stone curlew, snow buntings, and bearded tits. And this was all at the tender age of 6 - 9 years and those days and experiences have left me with a deep love of the natural world since. I'm taken aback that in this day and age such an application should reach this stage. Much of what I identified with as a child has gone. Kent over the past 60 years has experienced intense development, particularly from urban development, road / motorway construction and intensive agriculture, so its questionable whether it still merits the accolade of 'The Garden Of England.' This development will further erode what's left of its distinctive character and deplete its biodiversity. Coastal marshes are underappreciated by those who lack the knowledge and understanding of not only there rich wildlife but also their special landscape value. I will be upset if this application is supported and further disillusioned regarding fine words and emerging environmental policy from Government.