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Representation by Amy Murray

Date submitted
16 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In a world where our environment is rapidly changing... for the worse, I strongly wish to convey my concerns over this application with the hope that the planning committee do the same and reject it due to the following: Here are my concerns: -Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. -Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost. -It supports over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, including the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus), which is found on only one other site in the UK. Swanscombe is home to nationally rare and endangered bees, spiders, beetles, wasps and a host of other invertebrates that make the site of national importance. -Its rich breeding bird assemblage includes 15 red-listed Birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance- including Marsh harriers, Bearded tit, Nightingales and Black redstart. -13 nationally scarce vascular plant species have been found at Swanscombe, including 5 red-listed species such as the Man orchid. -It also has locally important populations of reptiles, bats, Water vole and Otter. I am aware that the one positive attribute that this development will bring is tourism and ultimately a profitable revenue but no amount of money will bring back what we stand to lose if this goes ahead. A more suitable location must be found - NOT SWANSCOMBE MARSHES.