Back to list The London Resort

Representation by Joe Beale

Date submitted
21 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The London Resort plan must not be permitted. It will seriously damage a wonderful SSSI and public resource rich in wildlife. Much of this wildlife has already been destroyed elsewhere, which makes it all the more urgent to protect Swanscombe from inappropriate development such as a theme park. Swanscombe could become the south of the river equivalent of the RSPB's Rainham Marshes if we plan thoughtfully for the future. Here is a unique opportunity to protect biodiversity in an era of biodiversity crisis - especially with the UK being one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Spectacular and often threatened species such as Marsh Harriers, Bearded Reedlings, Lapwings, Ravens and Nightingales all live here, not to mention scarce invertebrates such as a spider found in only two UK locations and rare Man Orchids. These are national treasures and we should not even be thinking about intentionally destroying the wildlife of this site. A theme park, with its development, noise, access roads and light pollution can surely be sited in a more appropriate location. Whatever the developers say, the unique mix of niches that provide home to such an astonishing range of biodiversity can not easily be replicated or mitigated. In a year when the UK is hosting the Climate Change Conference, we need to set a good example by not destroying our wildlife for a business enterprise that could go elsewhere. For us, for wildlife, for future generations and for the reputation of this country, please reject the London Resort scheme.