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Representation by Brian Utton

Date submitted
21 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my objection to the building of the London Resort Theme park on the Swanscombe peninsular. Swanscombe marsh is a green oasis in a desert of urbanisation. Its wild nature is a lifeline for many species of invertebrates, birds, reptiles, bats, mammals - many of conservation concern. Ornithologically it provides excellent and scarce breeding habitat for a whole range of birds. Warblers such as Whitethroat, Reed, Sedge, Grasshopper and resident Cetti's Warbler for example. Although reduced in numbers Nightingale still breed, as does Cuckoo, and a pair of Ravens bred successfully for 6 years (2013-2018) and still frequent the area. Marsh Harrier and Bearded Tit also breed in some or most years. In addition, a wide variety of resident birds breed or use the marsh for feeding ranging from wildfowl, grebes, herons and egrets, water rail, waders, raptors Stonechat, Black Redstart and many other passerine species. Many passage migrants use the area as a stopover - for example I recorded Stone Curlew one year, Garganey in another as well as sandpipers, Whinchat and Wheatear. Recently, on 9/3/21 I recorded a Short eared Owl and Dartford warbler feeding there and were probably wintering. I live in nearby Gravesend and have visited the marsh for around 40 years, and have regularly counted the number of bird species seen on 1st or 2nd January, and this has ranged from 48 to 63 in the last 11 years (average 54) which gives an indication of the richness of the area for wildlife, and we must not lose these valuable sites. The marsh is used by residents of nearby housing developments for recreation and exercising and I have noticed how this has increased dramatically since the pandemic. It is clearly valued and appreciated and it would be a great disservice to destroy this. Providing a few areas of manicured grass and trees within the London Resort area will not compensate for the loss of the special habitat currently available and most species will simply be lost, leaving a few pigeons and Magpies. Unfortunately large numbers of trees have recently been felled around the edge of the marsh either side of Tiltman Avenue- presumably for housing, as well as the enormous number of houses being built in the general area (e.g. Eastern quarry/Ebbsfleet Garden City), Swanscombe Castle Hill) and massive road works associated with this at Bean interchange with the A2 which is already a very heavily used road and the Resort would only exacerbate the problem. I understand the need for more housing but this area has had an incredible increase in recent times and this is ongoing. Taking away this remaining and irreplaceable green area for a massive (and non essential) theme park seems totally inappropriate and I sincerely hope it will be rejected.