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Representation by Joanne Rische

Date submitted
21 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

(Redacted) I walk on the marshes every day. The abundance of wildlife and the changing seasons are amazing. This area offers peace and tranquillity for so many people and is so needed for our mental health. This area cannot survive if this proposal goes ahead. We do not want constant noise we need peace and quiet. If construction starts the wildlife will be disturbed and frightened away. This is unacceptable these creatures have colonised this area and they must not be made to suffer with construction noises let alone the awful amount of light pollution and disturbances. And humans too. We need the quiet and the dark and and this natural environment. This area has become famous and local residents and those further afield share their photos and there comments on social media a lifeline for lonely and stressed people to actually breathe. The wildfowl are currently pairing up and nest building it’s so exciting we eagerly await the first chick. The Heronry is noisy , the marshes are alive , soon the frogs will come with their strange sounds at dusk they bring the snakes in summer the trees are blossoming. We have seen unusual winter visitors including Teal and Gadwell it’s a beautiful place. We have met new friends by walking here and enjoying the wildlife we keep it clean by litter picking we watch wonderful sunrises and sunsets with the Geese flying in and out. You cannot protect this area and all it brings by polluting it with machinery noise fumes lights and destruction. Please leave this natural area to nature and the people who need it and live here. It is extremely stressful worrying about the proposed blight on our lives.