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Representation by Thames Crossing Action Group (Thames Crossing Action Group)

Date submitted
21 March 2021
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

I would like to register as an Interested Party as Chair of the Thames Crossing Action Group. We represent thousands of people who are strongly opposed to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing(LTC). Our interest in the London Resort project relates to serious concerns we have in the crossover between this project and the proposed LTC and the negative impacts it would inflict upon roads, congestion, pollution, and the environment on both sides of the River Thames. We have concerns that the London Resort would create yet more traffic in areas that are already heavily congested and have illegally high air pollution. We do not believe that London Resort have properly considered, nor adequately consulted on, these negative impacts to the existing road network, and also taking the proposed LTC into account. Even if the LTC goes ahead Highways England's (HE) own data shows that the Dartford Crossing will remain over capacity. HE are also not considering how traffic would migrate between the two crossings when there are incidents, if LTC goes ahead, and that there are not adequate connections. We are concerned that the extra traffic that the London Resort would generate on top of these issues that the LTC would create would create serious congestion, chaos, and pollution throughout the whole area. In addition we do not feel that London Resort has given proper consideration to the recent addition of their parking facility north of the river. The proposed facility is at the southern end of the A1089 (a road they failed to correctly identify in their last consultation). If the LTC goes ahead changes would be made to the way the A1089 connects to the existing road network, and access from the LTC to the A1089 would involve a long diversion. Traffic would need to leave the LTC eastbound on the A13, down to the Stanford Junction and up around the already busy traffic lighted roundabout (alongside DPWorld and other traffic), then back westbound on the A13 to the new joint LTC/A1089 south junction. This means that any traffic trying to access the London Resort parking in Tilbury would need to take this detour, adding more traffic to local roads. There are many issues in connection to the relationship between the proposed London Resort and Lower Thames Crossing that we feel need to be given full and proper consideration. This is why we wish to register as an Interested Party, so that we can continue to comment and provide evidence of our concerns during the DCO process please. Should you need any further info or clarification please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks. Any contact details shared above are strictly private and not to be shared/published thank you.