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Representation by David Wilson

Date submitted
24 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My wife and I have lived in Swanscombe for 8 years and are very aware of the detrimental effect of development that has been taking place all around us as part of the Ebbsfleet Garden City development. It is vital that the remaining green spaces, such as those at the Swanscombe peninsula are protected for future generations. I support Natural England’s recommendation that the site be designated a site of special scientific interest to protect our most important wildlife sites. During lockdown, and as part of my recovery from a heart attack, access to clean air and outdoor space has been a vital part of my rehabilitation. This proposed development l, which in my view is economically unsustainable and short sighted will threaten the habitat of the peninsula and its location as a rich breeding ground for visiting birds. There is a place for theme parks but I am afraid the Swanscombe peninsula is totally unsuited for the scale and type of development proposed. The projected visitor numbers will make the already polluted local environment even more of an environmental hazard and lead to further congestion on an over-burdened traffic network. I must appeal to you to reject this proposed development and help us protect this treasured environmental asset. Thank you for considering my representation.