Back to list The London Resort

Representation by Helen Macdonald

Date submitted
27 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in [], in close proximity to where the London Resort is proposed to be built. There are so many reasons why this development should not be allowed to happen in this location. Greenhithe is a small, attractive, relatively quiet village which is a lovely place to live. Many green spaces surrounding the village have already been lost to housing and shopping developments. As a result of this, the surrounding roads are grid-locked several times a day, making it near impossible at times to get anywhere by road. Dartford Bridge is also frequently gridlocked. A theme park would undoubtedly make this traffic congestion much worse. In addition to the roads, the local trains are already too busy. How on earth can it be proposed to make the small, two-platform Greenhithe station the main public transport hub for the resort? The trains are already packed and over-crowded. I understand it is proposed that buses will take park visitors to it through Ingress Park, another currently tranquil, pleasant place to live and walk. The extra people and buses flooding through will ruin it with noise, pollution and likely litter if people decide to walk through. This is not to mention the overall pollution issues in the general area. One of the worst for pollution in the country already. This should not be worsened by more traffic and large, unnecessary building developments. The actual site being proposed for the resort surely could not be less suitable. It is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), confirming it as one of our country’s best wildlife sites. It is home to a magnificent array of flora, fauna, birds, insects and animals who will lose their homes if it is built on. It is marshland, acting as a natural flood defence for the area. If it were to be built on, there is no telling how the numerous homes in close proximity, including mine, could be affected by river flooding in future. It is a beautiful place to walk, run and cycle, which are things I do and enjoy there frequently. The last year has shown how so important the Peninsula is for the mental and physical health of local people. We need green spaces like this nearby to enjoy, relax and exercise on. The site is located right next to a large, very pleasant and expensive housing development. We do not want the lovely environment we pay so much to live in and enjoy ruined by this proposed monstrosity. Care and preservation of the environment is a hot topic which the Government claims to be fully invested in. How can it even contemplate destroying this beautiful SSSI for this? This is not to mention the local business owners who are going to be driven out. If anything, please develop the peninsula into a more structured, accessible national park for visitors to enjoy the open air and natural world. A theme park on Swanscombe Peninsula is one of the most ridiculous notions I have ever heard. We don't need it and we don't want it.