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Representation by Ann Thompson

Date submitted
27 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The UK’s and the global insect population has decreased catastrophically since the 1970s, and we need to start taking this decline seriously as our crops systems rely on healthy numbers of insects to act as pollinators. We need desperately to preserve insect rich habitats to prevent any further decline. Swanscombe contains several unique habitats that Natural England have recommended be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest, particularly due to the range, as well as rareness of the insect and birdlife that live there. It also currently provides local people with valuable, freely accessible green spaces that are recognised to be important for physical and mental health, which have shown to been particularly important for under the lockdowns. The proposed resort will destroy considerable areas of the site during construction and reduce the valuable habitats which will inevitably result in their degradation and reduction in rare species. Enclosing and building on Swanscombe will reduce the accessibility to local people to the area, particularly those on low incomes, by charging what is likely to be a significant entry fee. I am also left unclear as to why another crass, overpriced, large resort is needed in the UK, or why the London area needs more tourist attractions. Given the likely reduction in overseas visitors in the near to medium term this looks increasingly like a vanity project that risks becoming a white elephant if built. Although it purports to be sustainable, the materials needed to construct anything on the proposed scale will be considerable, requiring huge amounts of concrete and steel which are carbon, energy and water intensive. Current planning laws also enable developers to water down any environmental measures after planning permission has been granted to improve their profits, which would leave the site even less protected if the resort is allowed to progress. I urge you to stop the destruction of Swanscombe marshes from going ahead and prevent this giant mistake of a resort being built, to preserve the area for insects and the local people to enjoy peacefully and for free.