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Representation by Steve Brown

Date submitted
27 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are in the middle of a climate and ecological emergency. A report by WWF in 2020 concluded that 68% of wildlife has disappeared since 1970 due to human activity. Our irreplaeable wild areas are constantly being destroyed to make way for our insatiable appetite for wealth and growth. This cannot continue indefinitely. We rely on nature to provide the air we breathe and the food we eat yet it seems that it is always considered expendable. In this case the area has recently been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to its significant biodiversity and is home to some critically endangered species. Development of this site could very easily cause an extinction event. I note that the London Resort claims to be sustainable. This is blatantly not true. The loss of the marshland is a loss of carbon capturing habitat, the carbon footprint of the materials and energy required to develop this is not considered nor the additional carbon emissions created from the many thousands of additional car journeys that will be made daily. This project is not and never will be carbon neutral. It isn't necessary for our own survival, we've lived without it so far and we'll manage just fine without it. We have attractions and entertainment available already and it isn’t as if these are fully utilised. The area already has significant traffic problems and appalling air pollution. This development will significantly exacerbate these problems to the detriment of locals.