Back to list The London Resort

Representation by Catherine Hoggarth

Date submitted
28 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My representation is in opposition to the London Resort (ref BC080001) on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I lived in [] for many years and still visit the Swanscombe Peninsula regularly. I am also very familiar with the current congestion and pollution problems that an overabundance of traffic is causing in the area. Therefore, my representation covers two concerns, the loss of wildlife habitat in the south-east and the damage (both from a physical and mental health) that is being perpetuated by the continuing over development of the areas, especially those around the Swanscombe Peninsula. Swanscombe Peninsula boast a huge array of wildlife, much of which is currently under threat due to our relentless need to concrete over our country. During this difficult year, green space and more importantly areas that support wildlife, have been a refuge and sanctuary for many. Engaging with nature, either physically or virtually, has helped many people to cope with the challenges of COVID-19. Especially, in this area of the South-East where so many of our wildlife spaces have been lost or are under threat, saving the Swanscombe Peninsula for future generations to experience is a must. I would also question whether a resort is something the public will need or want after the last year? As the country adjusts to life with or after COVID, is a resort really a top priority? Even if you are not swayed by the plight of the wildlife or concerned about the viability of an old-fashioned resort. Please take a moment to consider the current traffic situation in this area of the South-East. I would also invite you to attempt a journey either by car or rail when COVID restrictions are lifted. To say the area is overburdened with traffic is something of an understatement. I cannot imagine how it will cope with the addition of a resort. I would imagine that the pollution, caused by the extra traffic, would push the area way above the safe levels. Please consider what our country needs now; does it really need more traffic, stress and pollution or does it need an area of SSSI and natural beauty that we can all be proud of and learn from. Thank you for your time.