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Representation by Jenny Harris

Date submitted
28 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Swanscombe Peninsula has one of the rarest habitats in Britain, a mosaic of wetlands, grassland features, coastal habitats and scrub, a complex mosaic that supports an unusual diversity of rare species not found in other habitats. There used to be many such sites along the Thames Estuary, developed from their complex human history. The range of invertebrates found here is of national importance for species of Conservation Concern, including the Critically Endangered distinguished jumping spider (Attulus distinguendus). Swanscombe also provides breeding sites for 15 red-listed birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance and many rare plants too. Wildlife across our country is in serious decline so the protection of these rare habitats and species assemblages through our network of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is more important than ever. The size and diversity of this site makes it almost unique and it biodiversity exceeds that of most other similar sites, with its significant importance in the Thames Estuary. Although Swanscombe's rare habitats were created by man's past activities, it is now an almost unique wild place for our precious wildlife. Now that it has become a SSSI it is essential that the application for a theme park be re-submitted, so that the full extent of its national importance for wildlife and need for protection can be recognized.