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Representation by Katie Lynch

Date submitted
28 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Biodiversity The Peninsula is a SSSI covering 264.1ha, recognising its biodiversity and irreplaceable mosaic of habitats. The Development would cause: - Permanent loss of approximately 100ha of SSSI; - significant harm to additional areas of the SSSI during construction; - damage to retained terrestrial and marine habitat due to fragmentation, noise, light pollution and increased human activity. The principal mitigation strategy to provide off-site habitat compensation is inadequate. ‘Net gain’ cannot mitigate damage to SSSIs (Environment Bill). Moreover, the diversity and richness of the habitat mosaic mean loss of such scale cannot be compensated. The Promoter contends without the Development 2)Local communities The local area is highly urbanised and undergoing rapid further development. The Peninsula is a vital resource for recreation, bird watching, naturalism and education, contributing to the health and wellbeing of communities (both existing and planned) as recognised in the SSSI designation. The local loss of nature and urbanisation reported in the ES is contrary to the the 25 Year Environment Plan and the Dartford Core Strategy. Off-site habitat compensation is proposed in a remote part of Swale, over 30 minutes’ drive away and inaccessible by public transport. This will not compensate for the adverse effects on local communities due to the environmental impacts described. c. Socio-economic Thousands of existing jobs are risked in