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Representation by Sonia Hurren

Date submitted
28 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Guilt.... Strong word but it’s a word so many of us would feel if we didn’t make our feeling known. Having worked with local young people getting them into employment I truly understand how the resort would be a huge economic opportunity for this area however I’m not able to justify in any way shape or form is destroying a habitat and a eco system of such a rare and beautiful piece of our planet that is the home to so many species. We have to stick up for these creatures, this space and our environment. So much of our area has been destroyed for housing why do we have to kill more just to make money!! There will be other jobs and opportunities for young people but there will not be another Swanscombe peninsula. My heart breaks at the thought of this area being killed I so enjoy it’s beauty. Please accept this objection with the strength of love and heart that our area deserves