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Representation by Environmental Action Coney Hall (EACH) (Environmental Action Coney Hall (EACH))

Date submitted
29 March 2021
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

At a time when people have at long last woken up to the tragedy and dire consequences of the destruction of the natural world, it is inconceivable to us that it would be deemed appropriate to turn an important mosaic habitat into a theme park. If such a development were allowed it would stand as a metaphor for our short sighted, wanton behaviour. Wildlife across the country is in drastic decline on a national scale and so it is more important than ever to protect our SSSI network. Local groups such as ours are working hard all of over the country to preserve and promote biodiversity on a local level in order to change local behaviour and persuade councils to protect our natural environment. At a time when many organisations and enlightened councils are rewilding land, you are considering the destruction of a precious resource which you should be preserving and which you could use for the public good. From my reading, I am aware that the site supports a number of invertebrates, 250 of which are on the critically endangered list. The regular breeding birds include red listed birds and others of principal importance including March Harriers, bearded tits, Nightingales and Black Redstarts. There are rare plants such a man orchids and populations of reptiles, bats water voles and otters. We must act as stewards and protect our precious wildlife sites from being concreted over. We welcome the news that Natural England has recommended that Swanscombe be declared a Site of special Scientific Interest and as a result of this news, we feel it is essential that the application be resubmitted. Although the SSSI is now subject to consultation, there is a statutory duty for it to be considered as a SSSI until the end of this process in July. We hear the justification that such a project will generate much needed employment but we need to think differently. We cannot keep choosing short term gain over long term survival. There is evidence now to show that there is employment and money to be generated in the green economy. Human beings have rediscovered nature and the understanding that we are part of nature. We have also seen the benefits to mental and physical health that nature brings to us. The future generation deserves better. We need nature reserves not pleasure parks. It is time to set an example. Please do not allow this theme park, this travesty to go ahead.