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Representation by Thomas Marshall

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir or Madam, The site at Swancombe is a home to a very wide variety of endangered species, from birds such as nightingales, to flowers like man orchids, to rare bees, and the ultra-rare distinguished jumping spider, and the tentacled lagoon worm. A place of such outstanding significance to wildlife should be protected, and its creatures valued and celebrated, not shovelled aside. It is not a habitat of which we have a plentiful supply or which, I believe, could be readily replicated elsewhere. This means that it contains species which are found in very few other places in the UK. The list of rare species is impressive and would be the envy of nature reserves around the country. It has been designated by Natural England as a SSSI. For good reason. The country as a whole needs to value the wildlife and unique habitats on our shores. The study entitled "Rationale for the SSSI Designation of the Swanscombe Peninsular" has been produced by collaboration of several wildlife charities that have seen it as deeply important. It has gone into great depth and even a cursory look would be enough to see why they have deemed the place worth protecting. It is worth reading in detail and considering with respect. For most of this wildlife, the moving to another location is not a viable option. As I understand it, building here will mean the ruining of this habitat. It will mean not just displacement but starkly result in death and the loss of species. Given all the above, the morally right, sensible and sustainable option would seem to be to recognise the value of the site, protect it with stringent legislation in perpetuity, and find a site that is not of high wildlife value in which to build this theme park. Surely this should be obvious and should have been taken into account right at the start. Otherwise, it would seem an unwise waste of money and time. Perhaps a location can be found where there are abandoned factories or office blocks that are true brownfield sites that have not become wildlife havens. There is surely room for this somewhere better, so that this place can continue to be home and refuge for our wildlife, and a place to be proud of.