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Representation by Gillian Bate

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to make my comments on the proposal to develop the Swanscombe Peninsular as a "theme park". As an ex-Londoner who has loved and walked on different parts of the Thames Estuary over many years, I feel the loss of this valuable amenity for understanding and contemplating our diminishing natural world would be irreparable. I am appalled that at a time of climate emergency and the DAILY revelations of biodiversity loss, extinctions and near extinctions of hundreds of vulnerable insects, plants, birds and mammals a development of this kind should even be given consideration. How clear does it need to be that human beings are trashing our precious planet beyond a point of no return? Natural England in their survey and recognition that this is a site of special scientific interest have made abundantly clear how many species would be affected by this proposal: the Critically Endangered Distinguished jumping spider found in only one other site among 250 other invertebrates of Conservation Concern, 49 red-listed invertebrates, the Tentacled lagoon worm, 15 red-listed birds of Conservation concern, 13 nationally scarce vascular plant species. You have the survey in all its detail. This alone should be enough to give those involved in making such controversial planning decisions pause for thought. Swanscombe Marshes, in the middle of the Thames Estuary with its unique mosaic of coastal habitats, grassland, scrub and wetlands, is very precious in being one of the LAST remaining brownfield habitats in the already overdeveloped Estuary. We cannot, either nationally or globally afford to lose this important site. We do not need another theme park. What we do need is urgent thinking on our human values in relationship to our damaged planet where historic landscapes can so easily be destroyed leaving future generations with a moribund environment. Please do not go down the route of a development such as proposed. The development is morally and humanly indefensible.