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Representation by Kelly-Ann McGuinness

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a resident of[] and feel very passionately that the Swanscombe Peninsula is the wrong place to build a theme park. Swanscombe Marshes is where I have taken my daily walks during the Covid-19 pandemic, and in that time I have learnt just exactly how rich and abundant the area is with wildlife. As a novice nature enthusiast, Swanscombe Marshes has been a place where I have experienced so much joy and wonder at spotting such a wide range of birds and insects. I have also been able to hone my photography skills and have created a social media page solely for the photographs that I take at the marshes. This page has proved very popular and I have followers from all over the world who remark at the scenes and wildlife images that I post. I have seen Cuckoos, Marsh Harriers and Bearded Tits. I have learnt about the plants that grow there including the endangered Man Orchid. I have seen weasels, water voles and many common lizards. In the space of a year I have learnt a huge amount of knowledge thanks to my experiences at Swanscombe Marshes. My time spent at the marshes and learning about the wildlife there has been absolutely invaluable in terms of the impact it has had on my mental health and wellbeing. I know that from speaking to other members of the local community that Swanscombe Marshes has provided a much needed ‘nature space’ to many people during the pandemic, and I also believe that the community depends on future access to this space in order to promote good health and wellbeing. In my view Swanscombe Marshes should be viewed as a ‘National Treasure’ - to be celebrated and protected. The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world with more than 40% of our species in decline. Surely we must work harder to value our wildlife and natural spaces rather than destroy them. The pandemic has shown us just how much we rely on nature for our wellbeing. Being able to spend an increased amount of time exploring Swanscombe Marshes has absolutely changed my life and opened doors for me, as I am sure it has done for others. Protecting the Swanscombe Peninsula must take priority over the plans to build a theme park, as it is our responsibility to care for our natural spaces, and our right to be able to enjoy and have access to them.