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Representation by Kerry Hood

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The marshes and the peninsular might not look very auspicous but it is a fantastic place for wildlife. When you walk through the rough grassland, there are wildflowers under every step, it is amazing. The thought of losing it before I see the Dartford Warblers, and before I see the man orchid, is very saddening. And it has it's own beauty, tawny grass and reeds and reflections in the river under a blue sky. An oasis in a busy estuary in a busy world. These habitats deserve preservation - not in little spaces between an overwhelming huge resort development, but as a coherent whole. Wild areas like these are being covered in concrete at an alarming rate and we need to preserve the ones that are still there, not fragment them and cover them in concrete. Swanscombe peninsular hosts a lot of overwintering migrant birds, who need peace and quiet, not hordes of people from the 'resort'. Traffic pollutions is already high in Dartford and doesn't need an extra 20K car journeys in this area. The local road network struggles to cope, especially with all the new distribution centres. The resort is replacing good, family-supporting jobs with minimum-wage seasonal work. Please reject this trophy project and leave the peninsular to the locals and wildlife.