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Representation by Laura Edie

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Swanscombe Peninsula is a crucial area for wildlife, with the mixed mosaic of habitats, that has come about due to the pre industrial use of the land, creating the ideal habitat for hundreds of rare and endangered species. This includes rare invertebrates, such as The critically endangered Distinguished Jumping Spider, found in only one other site in the UK! It is also home to lizards, water voles, plants such as the Man Orchid and more nesting birds than the nearby nature reserve at Rainham! Environmentalists have declared this area as the most significant brownfiend site for biodiversity in the UK, and it has recently been designated as a Site of Scientific Special Interest (SSSI).This status means that the Peninsula is now recognised as being an nationally important area for wildlife. To me it is baffling that the plans to turn such a precious wildlife haven into a theme park are still ongoing. If the planned theme park does go ahead, it will mean the loss of 140 active businesses and thousands of good local jobs already on the Peninsula. In a recent nationwide air quality study, an area in Dartford was found to be the most polluted in the UK! One of the worst affected AQMA, actually runs parallel to the proposed London Resort site. I live in Dartford and am a Green Party local councillor for Newtown ward. Both from the perspective as a Mother to an [Redacted] year old, and protecting the health of my constituents, I have huge concerns about the amount of extra cars, therefore traffic and pollution a theme park on our doorstep will bring to our already heaving roads, over develiped and polluted borough. Marshes are incredibly important in sequestering Co2 and locking it in. They are also a flood defence barrier. With rising sea levels due to climate change, London Resort could potentially face flooding, so the destruction of this wildlife gem would have been detrimental not only to the environment, local jobs and the mental health of locals who enjoy escaping and enjoying this natural haven, but after all of this, it could well end up submerged under water! Climate change is accelerating so rapidly because people are no longer living in sync with the planet. We need to start protecting our environment, and not simply accepting the loss of land to make way for profit. The time to start defending these important sites now, and I hope a decision is made that sends out a message to corporations down the line. My concern is if an SSSI is allowed to be developed on for the frivolity of a theme park, then what precedent does this set for future developments? Thank you for taking the time to read my objections, Kind Regards, Laura Edie Green Party Councillor for Newtown (Dartford)