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Representation by Ruth Fabricant

Date submitted
30 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I was shocked to hear some time ago, that a Disney type theme park is proposed on the Swanscombe Peninsula. Swanscombe is a unique mix of coastal habitats, grasslands, and wetlands, and is home to a range of rare and endangered species of bees, spiders, invertebrates, reptiles and bats. The theme park is opposed by the RSPB, due to its negative impact on birdlife, and Natural England has recently declared it a Site of Special Scientific Interest.(SSSI) Although I do not live in the area, I am aware from friends in Dartford that it is not welcomed by residents. It will not provide long term employment and visitors will not be doing business in the local shopping, visiting local cafes and restaurants;on the contrary they will simply be travelling to the Park and back, on the motorway. Is a fun fair really more important than the awe and wonder of nature? I think it is disgraceful and bad judgement for a theme park to be built in this area, where so much endangered and rare wildlife will be destroyed.