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Representation by Loren Holgate

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, Please take what we all have to say on board about developing Swanscombe Marshes into a amusement park. I am a [] old woman who is very passionate about the environment, nature and biodiversity on Earth. It honestly cuts deep into me when I hear about every single section of land that is destroyed for housing estates, transport, nuclear power stations and now amusement parks. I am so concerned about how we treat our planet because no-body seems to care about anyone but themselves. Were are not the only organisms on this planet, we share it with SO MANY other organisms that have the SAME RIGHTS to be here as us, but yet we keep on taking and taking and TAKING habitats and ecosystems away for our own selfish reasons. We are not going to have any wildlife left at the speed we are destroying everything and if there is no wildlife then there will be no humans. How can you be ok with completely destroying Swanscombe Marshes when you know full well it’s rich breeding bird assemblage includes 15 red-listed Birds of Conservation Concern and 12 Species of Principal Importance- including Marsh harriers, Bearded tit, Nightingales and Black redstart. Furthermore, it is home to the critically endangered jumping spider. Why can you not develop this amusement park somewhere that DOESN’T provide our wonderful and extremely important wildlife with homes. Would you like a bulldozer taken to your house? How about having to watch your kids be killed by mindless people who have no idea what destruction they have caused? Because that’s what the wildlife will have to live through if Swanscombe Marshes is destroyed. I am trying to do my bit for climate change and to help create a safe haven for our incredible wildlife. I really hope you do too, by listening to each and everyone of us that sends these letters to you. We need to protect and preserve the amazing biodiversity on our planet, and these Marshes have so much biodiversity within them. We cannot afford to loose these as it will cause so much damage to our ecosystem. I am literally begging you to do the right thing and change this project to work with nature, not against it. Thank you for taking your time to read this, I really hope you take it into consideration.