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Representation by Kent County Council (Kent County Council )

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Local authorities

Dear Sir/Madam Kent County Council has interests in land within the Order limits which are listed in the Applicant’s Book of Reference, over which London Resort Company Holdings (“LRCH”) is seeking powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary use. This relevant representation is submitted by Kent County Council in its capacity as a person with interests in the land affected by the proposed powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary use. A separate relevant representation is submitted in relation to Kent County Council’s local authority functions. Kent County Council is in the process of reviewing the compulsory acquisition information submitted by the Applicant in support of its application and considering the potential effects that the proposals will have on its landholdings. The outcome of that review will be reported to the Examining Authority at Written Representation stage if appropriate. As an initial observation KCC is concerned that there is a lack of clarity in the draft DCO as to the purposes for which, and nature of, rights and restrictive covenants could be acquired compulsorily by LRCH over the Order land, if the Order is granted in its current draft form. Kent County Council will be seeking further information from the Applicant in relation to this, and other matters. Kent County Council reserves its position to make further and more detailed representations on the Applicant’s proposals for powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary use in due course. Yours faithfully Mark Cheverton