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Representation by Kate Jones

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the proposal to put a theme park on a site that is significant for wildlife, especially one that is recommended as a SSSI by Natural England. In a time of devastating declines in biodiversity and climate change it is ridiculous that we are having to fight against a theme park being built on a piece of land which boasts excellent habitat and is one of only two areas that hosts the critically endangered distinguished jumping spider. Not to mention a wonderful assemblage of birds including marsh harrier, bearded tit, nightingale and black redstart. Are we mad? This area should be valued and celebrated for what is their now, not bulldozed over and a theme park put in it's place. We need to protect our biodiverse spaces, and we need them to be healthy and connected. Losing them is not an option at this stage. We should be valuing our precious wildlife more than a theme park.