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Representation by Muriel Dorothy Blake

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

People in Thurrock were not given adequate notice to take part in the consultation as the whole borough will be negatively affected, but only a very small number of households actually received notification around Tilbury and West Thurrock, which means traffic will have to go pass through the rest of Thurrock to be able to access the Park and Glide facility. "Accessibility and inclusivity We are committed to creating a development that is accessible and inclusive." That may be politically correct, but what is correct about the fact that it is to the detriment of residents living in and around the London Resort and along the road network in Thurrock, that will be used to gain access to the London Resort/Park and Glide facility? "Potential mitigation measures may include - Use of Tilbury port to alleviate congestion and operational traffic in proximity to the Project Site”. That is not mitigation for the people of Tilbury and the whole of Thurrock as all it does it move the congestion problem to us and will cause even more pollution in areas that already suffer extremely high levels of pollution as confirmed by - "Air Quality" – “Maximise benefits and minimise adverse impacts for the local community and environment. Air quality objectives have been exceeded at a number of nearby roadside locations, including along London Road and in the vicinity of Tilbury Docks.” So where are the benefits for the local community and environment of Thurrock? "PIER Non-Technical Summary - Page 59 “The Project Site is an area that is experiencing other significant developments with the potential to affect transport demand - Highways England’s proposals for the Lower Thames Crossing. All of these developments are being taken into account in the transport modelling for the London Resort project”. Has the fact been taken into account that Highways England do not have a migration plan in place on the proposed Lower Thames Crossing for problems on the M25 either at the Dartford Crossing or at Junction 29, meaning traffic will be using the A2 to and from the proposed LTC adding to the traffic around the London Resort. I do not feel that there is much chance of “achieving a net gain in biodiversity” or to “restore and create new habitats within and surrounding the London Resort”, unless a zoo is included, as the construction will drive away any biodiversity that is already there, and new habitats within and surrounding the London Resort will not happen when the London Resort becomes operational, and then it will be too late.