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Representation by Marta Rahman

Date submitted
31 March 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I’m writing my representation regarding the London Resort application to object to the proposed plans. As a local community member living in Ingress Park, neighbouring to Swanscombe Peninsula, I feel extremely lucky to be in such close proximity to this wilderness treasure. Having moved out of London with my family over 4 years ago, we could never be happier and grateful for the wonderful nature that surrounds us here. We have experienced a rarity of so many different birds, identifying them by the book - British Wildlife, many of them are visiting our bird feeder. Our usual are Great Teat, Blue Teat, Long Tailed Teat, Starling, Jay, Black Cap, Magpie, Black bird, Robin, Woodland Pigeon, Collar Dove, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker just to name few- priceless experience for the children to witness wonders of nature. One of my concerns is that wildlife across the country is in drastic decline and it is more important than ever to spare our national treasures. This unique mosaic of different habitats that developed as a result of the site’s complex human history, supporting an outstanding range of wildlife should be treasured and embraced rather than relocated and mitigated. Proposed off-site habitat compensation in a remote part of Swale is 30 mins drive away and unfortunately, not accessible by public transport. Overall, I found London Resort’s mitigation plans not very clear. I’m concerned that ultimately, it will not be possible for the existing rare flora and fauna left on site to cohabit with London Resort’s traffic volume, which is estimated at 10,000 visitors daily and extended operating hours ‘like the UK hasn’t seen before’ as mentioned by Mr. PY Gerbeau, 356days a year. I’m also concerned that visitors travelling by public transport will add to the local littering problem. Research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine published in the Journal Remote Sensing in 2018 named an area near the Bluewater shopping centre as Britain’s most polluted. Pollution levels were more than double the World Health Organisation’s guideline. In the 2019 Air Quality Management Report by Dartford Borough Council revealed that the town has the second highest average daily level of air pollution of all local authorities in the south-east region. London Resort’s application includes 10,750 planned parking spaces, my great concern in the very high increase in local traffic and very high levels of pollution. Past year and Covid -19 pandemic only proved how important nature is for our mental health. From personal experience, my daily walks around Swanscombe Peninsula during national lockdowns kept me mentally strong, helped me escape and recharge my batteries. I think many local people will agree. Our local community depends on this beautiful wild land for our health, recreation, passions and wellbeing.